TITLE: Taxicab Trip Information ABSTRACT: DC Taxi trips from April 2015 to August 2016. The zip file contains zip files of pipe (|) delimeted text files for trips by month. The record counts are: 2015-05-01    1397102 2015-06-01    1470466 2015-07-01    1401792 2015-08-01    1129707 2015-09-01    1308445 2015-10-01    1487133 2015-11-01     993502 2015-12-01    1081726 2016-01-01     922338 2016-02-01    1194698 2016-03-01    1404639 2016-04-01    1369882 2016-05-01    1323153 2016-06-01    1282651 2016-07-01    1109118 2016-08-01     949650 DISCLAIMER: The data provided herein is derived from electronic sources the accuracy of which cannot be guaranteed. While DFHV strives to provide data that is accurate and current, all data provided is for informational purposes only. The District of Columbia disclaims all liability for errors, omissions, completeness, accuracy and currentness of the data provided herein. Use of data provided herein constitutes acceptance of these terms. CATEGORY: Public Service PROVIDER: Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) ORIGINATOR: Department of For-Hire Vehicles (DFHV) PROCESS DESCRIPTION: DFHV provided OCTO with a taxicab trip text file representing trips from April 2015 to August 2016. OCTO processed the data to assign a block locations to pick up and drop off locations. The blocks were assigned using the original pick up, drop off lat/long coordinates and searching for the block locations in the DC Master Address Repository (radius tolerance of 250 meters and less). The pick and drop off times were also rounded to the nearest hour. In addition, the pick up and drop off locations were assigned to an airport using locator polygons for Reagan, BWI, and Dulles. These polygons generally followed the visual borders of these airports. The block assignment metrics are as follows Pick Up Location Drop Off Location Total Records: 19,826,002 19,826,002 Percent Geocoded to block: 87% 78% For more information, go to http://dfhv.dc.gov TABLE STRUCTURE: COLUMN_NAME DATA_TYPE DEFINITION OBJECTID NUMBER(9) Table Unique Identifier TRIPTYPE VARCHAR2(255) Type of Taxi Trip PROVIDER VARCHAR2(255) Taxi Company that Provided trip METERFARE VARCHAR2(255) Meter Fare TIP VARCHAR2(255) Tip amount SURCHARGE VARCHAR2(255) Surcharge fee EXTRAS VARCHAR2(255) Extra fees TOLLS VARCHAR2(255) Toll amount TOTALAMOUNT VARCHAR2(255) Total amount from Meter fare, tip, surcharge, extras, and tolls. PAYMENTTYPE VARCHAR2(255) Payment type PAYMENTCARDPROVIDER VARCHAR2(255) Payment card provider PICKUPCITY VARCHAR2(255) Pick up location city PICKUPSTATE VARCHAR2(255) Pick up location state PICKUPZIP VARCHAR2(255) Pick up location zip DROPOFFCITY VARCHAR2(255) Drop off location city DROPOFFSTATE VARCHAR2(255) Drop off location state DROPOFFZIP VARCHAR2(255) Drop off location zip TRIPMILEAGE VARCHAR2(255) Trip milaege TRIPTIME VARCHAR2(255) Trip time PICKUP_BLOCK_LATITUDE NUMBER Pick up location latitude PICKUP_BLOCK_LONGITUDE NUMBER Pick up location longitude PICKUP_BLOCKNAME VARCHAR2(255) Pick up location street block name DROPOFF_BLOCK_LATITUDE NUMBER Drop off location latitude DROPOFF_BLOCK_LONGITUDE NUMBER Drop off location longitude DROPOFF_BLOCKNAME VARCHAR2(255) Drop off location street block name AIRPORT CHAR(1) Pick up or drop off location is a local airport (Y/N) PICKUPDATETIME_TR DATE Pick up location city DROPOFFDATETIME_TR DATE Drop off location city